Anderson Cooper, the CNN host, is pushing back against those who are saying he didn’t cover the conditions of Hurricane Florence. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Hurricanes

We admit to being shameless hurricane voyeurs, repeatedly clicking webcam images from the Outer Banks of North Carolina .
At this point, there’s little human activity on any of them. Just the ocean trying to wipe out any evidence of an allegedly advanced civilization. Read more →
The reason we know what Hurricane Florence is doing, is because a small group of people got up this morning, as in previous mornings, and flew an airplane into it. Read more →
Maybe it’s time to stop building houses at the beach? Read more →
There’s something you won’t see in this drone video of the island of Barbuda, released by GlobalMedic overnight. Humans. Read more →

They’re the crews who piled into their trucks from points far away — including from Minnesota and Wisconsin — and drove to Florida for the overtime pay and privilege of touching electric wires and listening to the occasional complaint from some people that their electricity wasn’t restored yet after Hurricane Irma. Read more →

For our occasional series — The Beauty of Disasters — we give you this before-and-after shot from space of the water surrounding Florida. Read more →

The TV coverage of Hurricane Irma has renewed the long debate over whether journalists have a responsibility to lead by example, or whether we need the showbiz aspect of their work to understand the story they’re telling. Read more →
Here’s a political ad — sort of — that won’t have you throwing things at the TV. Read more →
In Florida, the people who aren’t evacuating are preparing to withstand whatever Hurricane Irma has planned for them.
That includes Pam Brekke, of Sanford, who drove 30 miles to a Lowe’s when she heard the store was getting a shipment of 216 generators. Read more →

In times of national tragedy, it must be difficult for the politics-obsessed among us to resist a ‘serves ’em right’ smugness. Garrison Keillor couldn’t. Read more →

There may be no other job on the planet that seems as risky as the one Nick Underwood does.
He’s a hurricane hunter and today he was on the crew that flew a plane — intentionally — into Hurricane Irma, providing this video this afternoon on Facebook.
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