Homeless people in San Francisco are bringing a ‘tech bro’ down. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Homelessness

On Saturday night, Sofia Andrade won $200 on a scratch ticket in the Massachusetts Lottery. It’s not a lot of money, of course, but it’s still $200 she could’ve spent on herself.
But Andrade didn’t spend it on herself. Read more →
Whose fault is it that nobody but one person helped a homeless person sleeping by the side of a major highway in Minnesota? Read more →
If you live in a metropolitan area, there’s a pretty fair chance that you’ll pull up to an intersection today and a homeless person will be standing there with a cardboard sign.
You might throw a few bucks his/her way, but probably not. More likely, you’ll try to avoid eye contact, and feel fairly miserable in the process.
There’s an alternative. Read more →
A Methodist church pastor in La Crosse, Wis., is heading for a showdown with the city over the camping taking place on the church’s lawn. It’s the latest test of the boundaries of religious freedom.
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In Prince George’s County, Maryland last week, a young woman with a 1-year-old girl had finally had enough of domestic violence, which far too often is a choice between being beaten and being homeless. Read more →
The Internet should do that thing it does so well and help David and Jessica Daughtery get a job. Read more →

When pianos were placed around St. Paul a few years ago as a public arts project, organizers never got a response like the similar project in Sarasota, Florida.
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Allan Law, of Minneapolis, tells KARE 11’s Boyd Huppert he’ll be on the streets for the rest of his life. It’s because a lot of other people will be, too.
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Joan Cheever has a non-profit food truck and every Tuesday for about a year, she feeds the homeless near a park in San Antonio.
Last week she got a ticket because it’s against city law. Read more →

You don’t often hear funeral services start with a tribute to a news reporter, but, then again, mentally ill homeless people who freeze to death alone don’t often get funerals.
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We’ve become a little reluctant over the years to pass along the ‘look at the nice thing a homeless person did’ videos — homeless people are people too, fully capable of the kindness that others are capable of. On the other hand, it’s not as if the problem of homelessness has become overly humanized. Read more →

This is the sort of scandal that can keep the media and Washington talking for weeks. The opportunists smell blood in the water.
That’s weeks longer than the scandal about homeless veterans in America. Read more →

In San Jose, Calif., today, authorities went ahead with their plan to clear what they say is the largest homeless camp in the United States. Read more →

Arnold Abbott might go to jail for making sure the hungry and homeless have something to eat in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Read more →