Irwin Horwitz says he reached “the breaking point” last week after what he calls a semester of disrespect, backstabbing, lying, and cheating, Houston TV station KPRC reported. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Higher education
The university is the first institution to act to comply with Gov. Scott Walker’s cut in higher education funding. It’s not pretty. Read more →
Forbes tells the story of a Minnesota woman who went into debt to be a lawyer, and likely will never recover. Read more →
It’s hard not to envy North Dakota, where students loans and the state’s obligation to educate its own are an issue. In the race for agriculture commissioner. Read more →

A woman at Columbia University, one of dozens of schools which allegedly did little to investigate reports of sexual assaults on campus, is starting the school year today by carrying a mattress from class to class. “I was raped in my own bed,” Emma Sulkowicz tells The Guardian. “I could have taken my pillow, but Read more →
We were driving home from our visit back East on Saturday when we came across an SUV full of a mostly enthusiastic — we guess — Illinois family at the Tomah, Wis., rest stop, heading for one of the great passages of life: the moment when you’re dropped off to be on your own in Read more →

A plan to let the students ride a camel Wednesday, apparently the last day of class, was canceled, reportedly because some students felt it was racist. Read more →

Smith College is the latest institution of higher learning that didn’t want to listen to someone with whom they disagree. Read more →
Is your tuition for higher education being wasted by a system that employs part-timers to teach? Read more →

Maybe if we started ignoring the big-name speakers that universities pay to speak at commencements, the schools would start providing speakers who actually have a message to give to students setting out to make their mark on the world, and who aren’t making a buck to deliver it.
Instead, these choices are often part of the school’s marketing scheme. Pay some money, get a big name, get some free advertising in the form of news coverage.
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Is going to college still worth the cost? Yes. Next question. Read more →

The other day on NewsCut, you may recall, we discussed the growing number of admonishments to graduating seniors in high school and college to cut the gymnastics and selfies.
Not everyone at Davenport University in Grand Rapids, Michigan got the word. Read more →
Minnesota has a hard time keeping kids in school. In the state’s largest district, only about half of the students graduate. That’s not going to cut it. Ever. That’s simply raising the next generation of poverty and joblessness.
So a story on NPR this morning raises this interesting question: What if college was free? Read more →

When Monica Perez Garcés returned to Mexico after living for seven years in Minnesota, she took a little Midwest back with her — a love for football. Read more →