Thomas Prado’s heroism has us considering to what extent we’re willing to risk our own lives to help someone else. Read more →
Thomas Prado’s heroism has us considering to what extent we’re willing to risk our own lives to help someone else. Read more →
In a perfect world, our heroes would get as much attention as our villains. Read more →
There are people who stand around and take video of a burning building. And there are people who run into burning buildings to rescue the people inside. Read more →
If the day’s news is enough to make you question the decency and sanity of humans, then the Carnegie Foundation couldn’t have picked a better day to release its list of Carnegie Heroes. Read more →
The short version: He grew up in Southern California, played college football, had strong family figures, wanted to be a mortician, but ended up selling drugs and going to prison. Somehow, he ended up saving lives in Saint Paul. Read more →