What’s the matter with these kids in Grand Forks today? You take them to a parade and someone on a float throws candy and they run to get it. Where are the parents?
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What’s the matter with these kids in Grand Forks today? You take them to a parade and someone on a float throws candy and they run to get it. Where are the parents?
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A dispute over an unmowed patch of land has an attorney arguing an ordinance requiring it be clipped is unconstitutional. Read more →
Henry Howe, an attorney and owner of spot of land in the city’s downtown, is letting goatsbeard flowers grow because that’s what he likes.
Who’s to say he can’t? The Grand Forks Health Department, which has ordered him to mow the land. Read more →
A week or so ago, a city official in a Massachusetts community got in big trouble for painting crosswalks where the city had neglected to keep them up.
Here’s hoping Grand Forks has a better view of Jeff Borys contribution to the pedestrian world. Read more →