Facebook wants your bank to cough up your data, according to a Wall Street Journal report Monday. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Facebook

Facebook is denying that it has kept track of your text messages and phone calls without your knowledge if you use an Android phone.
Oh, they’ve done that, mind you. But Facebook says it told you. Read more →
The issue is an intriguing one that has not been addressed by either the Minnesota Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court: Does a person have to know he’s soliciting sex from a minor to be convicted of soliciting sex from a minor?
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The video of the police killing of Philando Castile has cemented Facebook’s increasing role as a primary source of news in the country.
Is there anything wrong with that? Read more →
Bruce Hagen, the mayor Superior, Wisc., is in trouble with some of his constituents for making a personal opinion on his Facebook page, adding more fuel to a growing debate in America: What link should there — or shouldn’t there — be between someone’s personal opinion (no matter how insipid) and their public role? Read more →

Petra Laszlo, the woman who tripped refugees while filming them escaping from custody in Hungary last month, certainly has a knack for public relations. Read more →
Has too much of our routine been handed over to Facebook? This story from Australia might provide a clue. Read more →
Earlier this week, Steven Bergknoff posted a link to a substance abuse fundraiser in memory of his brother on a Facebook page dedicated to memorials for Hopkins High School students who have died. “It was a long, almost 5-year battle that he had to fight,” Bergknoff said. The post was taken down by the site’s Read more →

How bad can we be at shunning? This is the second mother in a week who’s had to turn to strangers for what people in the community should be providing. Read more →