If ever there was a lab rat to experiment with bad government, the final days of a Minnesota legislative session is it. In the rush to get the things done that they should’ve gotten done in the many months they were given, lawmakers often pass bill they haven’t read and have no idea what their impact will be. Sometimes they do and pass them anyway. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Environment
Someone smarter than a blogger is going to have to explain how a Jerry Garcia ‘Run for the Roses’ cassette tape ends up in the Minnehaha Creek watershed.
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Are you noticing more Monarch butterflies compared to a year ago? Read more →

A man who set a record for the shortest time to run the entire Appalachian Trail has ignited a fierce debate among hikers and protectors of the Maine-to-Georgia route.
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People have respiratory diseases. Air pollution is particularly troublesome for people with respiratory diseases. People die from respiratory diseases. Therefore, air pollution has a role in the deaths of people.
What’s particularly fascinating about the report, however, isn’t the headline-grabbing number of deaths; it’s that it takes less air pollution to cause health problems than apparently it once did. Read more →

A new National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration study claims that Fourth of July fireworks increase pollution by 42 percent.
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United Airlines will make a pretty significant announcement today. It will announce the first investment by a domestic airline in a company that will provide alternative fuel.
Fulcrum, a California-based company, turns household trash into jet fuel.
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A study by a group of scientists says the sixth great extinction on earth is already underway.
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If you’re the dean of American bald eagles, your life should conclude more gloriously than by getting hit by a car while you’re dining on a freshly-killed rabbit. Read more →
A good screaming match is great for ratings. If intellectual curiosity gets slaughtered in the process, so be it. Read more →

There’s a little bit of good news for the Monarch butterfly. Initial estimates from their winter grounds suggest there are more arriving this year than last year. That would appear to confirm evidence in these parts over the summer that there were more Monarchs around than in previous years. Read more →

Hundreds of birds are being killed in the Duluth area during the annual migration of songbirds. Read more →

Eric Holthaus stopped flying and started taking the scenic route. Did he really help save the environment? Read more →

Whether things are going good or bad, it’s still an amazing planet.
A couple of images drive this home today.
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The environment: It’s not just a liberal issue.
That’s the takeaway from this morning’s interview on Midwest Energy News with Debbie Dooley of Georgia, one of the founders of the tea party movement. Read more →