Researchers at Tufts University have released a study — Don’t Call Them Dropouts — based on interviews in more than a dozen cities, including Minneapolis and Saint Paul, showing that there is no single cause driving most students to leave school. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Education
It was the perfect plan. How could it possibly have not worked? Danielle Shea of Quincy, Mass., was supposed to graduate from Quinnipiac University in Connecticut over the weekend. The whole family was going to be there to watch. They would, no doubt, be so proud. Her mother had given her thousands of dollars for Read more →

We like to think of our generation as smarter than those who went before, but we dump junk down the throats of our kids, spurred on by the marketing of food companies.
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“We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate facilities are inherently unequal.” With that, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled several states’ system of providing separate and unequal education to the children of the United States — one for whites, and one for blacks. That Read more →

An anonymous senior at the school today left 3,000 paper cranes around the school, apparently to help dispel the image of the Edina student as a self-absorbed rich kid Read more →
Pam Whitfield, profiled on NewsCut a few years ago, has a way about her that allows her to reach students that other teachers and professors can’t.
But she can’t reach — or save — them all, she writes in an article this week for Insider Higher Ed. Read more →

Smith College is the latest institution of higher learning that didn’t want to listen to someone with whom they disagree. Read more →

The first grade class was supposed to dress up as a policeman, a cowboy, a biker dude, a construction worker or a Native American to perform YMCA during a talent show.
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The Janesville, Wisconsin school superintendent has apologized for the showing of this video last month at a high school day to bring ‘attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools.’ Read more →
Some kids appreciate the opportunity they get with a free education; some kids don’t. Two stories in the news today make that point abundantly — and frustratingly — clear. Read more →
Students at Rochester’s Mayo High School have taken to social media today to protest the apparent disciplining of a teacher who dropped an ‘F bomb’ in class.
They’ve organized a ‘Free Thorson’ campaign on Twitter to build support for Jon Thorson, an English and speech teacher at the school. Read more →
Another side of the story is being told in the case of last week’s alleged bullying of two kids in Fosston. Their mother sat them down for a video of them telling their story. Read more →
Darlene Sugg, 47, was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2010. Though she went into remission, the disease eventually spread and she was dying. But she had a dream to see her daughter, Megan, graduate from high school. Read more →

A big debate over bullying is underway in Fosston, Minnesota after a mother posted a video on Facebook of her crying daughter who had, she alleges, just been bullied by a bus driver and other students.
The resulting debate is about more than bullying. Should the mother have been filming her daughter at a time when comforting seemed the order of the day? Should a news station have been reposting the video without checking to see if the story was true? Why does a mother have to go to this extent to get satisfaction when her kids are being bullied? Read more →

When’s the last time you used cursive writing? Read more →