In Superior, Wisconsin, Daniel Phu has taught his kids algebra and calculus. They’re 8 and 5.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Education
Today’s column from the Pioneer Press’ Ruben Rosario is the sort of thing you want to put before every young person in your house to whom you’ve given a smartphone.
It’s the story of a courageous seventh-grade girl in Woodbury who reveals how a typical middle-school relationship degenerated quickly into sexual manipulation. Read more →
Why would a couple of national organizations care about a school board race in Minneapolis? Read more →
School officials in Devils Lake, N.D., will hold a meeting with female students today and try — again — to convey a message about the problem with what they wear, this time without comparing them to hookers, apparently. Read more →

There’s a line that schools seem to blur between history and propaganda. If they didn’t, more of us would’ve grown up knowing that Abraham Lincoln ordered the largest mass execution in the nation’s history, for example. Or we’d know that Lake Calhoun is named after an ardent supporter of slavery, state’s rights, and the architect of the forced removal of Native Americans from their land. It’s not the sort of thing we can be proud of.
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Here’s your daily dose of sweetness. Read more →
When Kyle Bradford tried to share his school lunch with a friend who didn’t like the cheese sandwich the cafeteria gave him, he became a school scofflaw and got detention. Read more →

What on earth is being taught in history and civics classes? Apparently it’s neither history nor civics.
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When Brock Shepard broke open a box and a helium balloon floated out at Blaine High School’s field house yesterday, it signaled that the kids of Blaine are alright, and so are quite a few of the adults. Read more →

A 12-year old girl is isolated from her classmates because she’s a piano prodigy. Read more →
If you want to hear high school students wail, tell them they’ll have to take 30 minutes every Friday to read something. The Duluth News Tribune reports on the reception East High School principal Laurie Knapp got at a student assembly yesterday when she announced the district has added 30 minutes to the academic day. Read more →
One small suggestion for Minneapolis public schools. Pick up the phone. KARE 11’s Boyd Huppert reports on the problem Sean Boyce had when a bus carrying his first-grader home on his first day of school didn’t show up. He called Minneapolis Public Schools and got put on hold. He called Kenwood Elementary on another line Read more →
Today’s sign that the educational apocalypse is upon us comes from the Washington Post, which reports that kids in kindergarten now face final exams, have homework and are subject to standardized testing. And in Elwood, N.Y., the Post says, the principal sent a letter to parents canceling the annual play so the kids can buckle Read more →
Fifty-five years is an awfully long time to wait before giving an African-American man the diploma he was denied because he had a picnic in park that was off-limits to blacks. Read more →