A divided court declined to find unconstitutional a provision in the state’s vehicle forfeiture law that lets police confiscate a car in a household where someone has three or more DWI convictions. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: DWI
We strongly favor being hopeful for the future even though there are times when it’s difficult to find it in the day’s news.
One in seven Minnesota drivers has a drunk driving conviction on their record. That seems low, judging by this press release from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, which details the folks the police were meeting on the roads over the holiday weekend. Read more →
Presuming that most people aren’t big supporters of drunk drivers, one might think being less lenient on DUI offenders (1 in 7 Minnesota drivers has a DUI conviction) would be a slam dunk for state politicians.
So why is it relatively easy for people to still be driving after 9 arrests? Read more →
A Minnesota man who may have tested the state’s implied consent laws more often than any other driver charged with driving under the influence, has lost again at the Minnesota Court of Appeals.
Under the law, authorities can force a person to submit to breath tests without a warrant by criminalizing their refusal to do so. But previous provisions for demanding blood or urine have been struck down. Read more →
Here’s a video to remember the next time you look in your rear-view mirror and see a semi that’s pulled up within a few feet of your rear bumper while you’re barreling down the highway. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals today ruled that you cannot lose your driver’s license for refusing to submit to a urine test for DUI if a police officer says it’s a crime not to.
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Football is knee-deep in hypocrisy when it comes to alcohol. Beermakers are major advertisers, teams play up tailgating and drinking, it’s a tremendous source of revenue at the concession stand, and when the game ends, only a fool would deny that a fair number of fans are getting in their cars hammered Read more →
One of every seven Minnesota drivers has a DWI. A new state reports reveals the demographics of Minnesota DWIs and shows big differences in county conviction rates. Read more →
The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that a search warrant that allows police to test the blood alcohol content of a suspected drunken driver can also target the use of drugs, even if there’s no probable cause to suspect drug use. Read more →
The U.S. Supreme Court today has struck down part of Minnesota law that forces people suspected of driving under the influence to submit to blood tests without a warrant.
At the same time, however, the high court affirmed a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling that authorities can force a person to submit to breath tests without a warrant. Read more →
In this state where 1 in every 7 drivers has a DWI conviction, the crime is a big joke to even the people talking a good game about stopping drunk driving. Read more →

A former candidate for Minnesota Supreme Court has lost her appeal stemming from a 2013 drunk driving arrest that surprised Republican officials in the state two weeks after endorsing her judicial bid. Read more →
The sentencing of a repeat drunk driver this week is raising an ongoing question surrounding the problem of alcohol and vehicles: Does getting tougher on drunk driving work? Read more →
One of the things I taught my kids when teaching them to drive was that stop signs and red lights don’t stop cars, especially in a state that loves its booze the way this one does. Read more →
We ignore the usual warnings because it’s just the way we are. Part of it is because we don’t see the tears in the eyes of people like Courtney Pogones, of Austin, Minn. Read more →