Dr. McGreggor Crowley, who once was on the selection battleground at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, speaks a truth that many people don’t want to acknowledge in the wake of the scandal this week that the rich and famous are buying their kids’ way into elite schools: you don’t have to be rich and famous to be overinvested in the college selection process. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: College

A Star Tribune letter writer today wondered how it is a young man suspected of running off to join the Islamic State was able to withdraw $5,000 on a debit card for financial aid at his college. Read more →

Reports of the demise of college were premature.
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More than 22 percent of people living in Winona live below the federal poverty level. But exclude the number of college students in the college town and the number drops in half. The same is true for Mankato, another college town in the state. Read more →