We need to give some equal time to cats in this space so here’s the story of Nighty, the black cat owned by Corey Jacob, who lives out of a van, the
Rochester Post Bulletin writes today.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: cats

Madden Humphreys was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. He also has complete heterochromia iridum, which gives him two different colored eyes.
That makes him a target for the most vicious animal on earth: kids at school. Read more →
The cat that did as much as any feline to usher in the era of cat videos on YouTube has expired. Read more →
Faribault has a big cat problem. The city has too many feral cats. That’s setting up a debate over whether the problem goes away by killing them or capturing them. Read more →
Sure, they might hack up a hairball on the carpet every now and again, but cats won’t disappoint you the way a human can from time to time.
That might explain why a Rochester woman has spent $20,000 on her cancer-stricken cat. Read more →
The police in Brussels didn’t find what they were looking for when they staged a series of raids looking for Salah Abdeslam, suspected to be one of the gunmen in the Nov. 13 Paris attacks. Read more →
Rep. Pat Garofalo has tweeted his way into another controversy. Read more →

It was a short run in the spotlight for Peat the cat, the star of NPR reporter Ari Shapiro’s piece on All Things Considered last night about cats as ‘mousers’ in distilleries.
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You’ve probably seen this video — 21 million have — of Tara the cat chasing a dog away from attacking a little boy. Last night, the cat threw out the first pitch at the Bakersfield Blaze game in California. Well, I gave it my best shot, but my humans really got in the way. Everyone Read more →

Valentine’s Day, ice dams, long winters and bad cats. It’s all part of 5X8. Read more →