Geek Squad founder Robert Stephens couldn’t say much about the company that made him rich when he sold his company to Best Buy. His contract with the company, which he left in 2012, prevented him from doing so. Now the handcuffs are off and he’s talking, the Pioneer Press’ Julio Ojeda-Zapata writes today. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Business
That distributors are beating a path to Glass’ door underscores the reality that there are nowhere near enough popular national shows from a new generation to excite the public radio audience. Read more →

The third-richest man in Minnesota may be buying the Star Tribune newspaper, a report today says.
Glen Taylor, owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves, former legislator, and owner of companies in the wedding invitation printing business, is nearing a final agreement with the paper, according to the business newsletter, Business Take. Read more →
A Wisconsin woman with a brain tumor has written another chapter in the ongoing saga of the power of social media to punish horrible customer service. Read more →
Should the government pay you to be alive, Judging a person by their cover, the homeless patch of North Dakota, it takes a village to keep a 102-year-old-woman in her home, and why on earth do we live on this sport on earth? Read more →
If you were searching the Delta Airlines website today, maybe you were one of the lucky ones to get a flight for $5.
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Farewell, DC-9’s. The Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal says Delta is retiring the fleet of the aircraft it got when it bought Northwest Airlines. The last flight will be January 6th. The last of the DC-9’s flown by a major carrier will leave Minneapolis St. Paul for Atlanta, one last takeoff for the plane that Read more →

With the end of a month approaching, it’s “goodbye” time for workers who have taken buyouts at their companies which are trying to cut costs. At NPR, newscaster Jean Cochran gave her last newscast on Friday, the moment captured in this video. Newscaster Paul Brown also took the buyout as did Morning Edition editor Anne Read more →

Whoever makes the final decision on who will next head NPR has a problem. The media landscape is changing and public radio, in particular, is in no position to think itself isolated from the market forces that are eating away at legacy media. But public radio is also a culture and the people in it don’t like any tinkering with the culture. Read more →
Walmart employees who protest their wages will probably lose their jobs. That seems to be just fine with a lot of people who take these sorts of things personally Read more →
The Court said a business owner is not entitled to any more money from Dakota County than he was given when his property was taken by eminent domain, and it did so largely on this question: What is a “community?” Read more →
GoldieBlox, the toy company that wants to inspire girls toward engineering and science, can apparently tell when the tide turns.
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The new owner of Block E is going to give renovating the eyesore in downtown Minneapolis a go, with no public money, apparently. Read more →

Why Minnesota works and Wisconsin doesn’t, the band of brothers who stick up for a first-grader, the woman behind the hockey microphone, the B-17 flyover in Green Bay, and why Dilbert’s creator wanted his father to die. Read more →

The reporters who buried Oswald, does Saint Paul need streetcars again, the monster in Lake Pepin, the lies we repeat about Thanksgiving shopping, and the Fox 9 reporter’s face plant. Read more →