The Milwaukee Art Museum today is stoking the ongoing debate over what is art and what is vile trash. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Arts & Culture
A touching moment in Austin where a young woman is hospitalized because of the drunk driver who crashed into concert goers, killing two of them last week at South by Southwest. Read more →

Carnegie Hall has announced that 120 musicians from 33 states will make up the National Youth Orchestra on its eight stop tour beginning in July. For the second year Arjun Ganguly, who plays viola, is returning to the orchestra — one of 26 players to return. What were you doing at 15? Arjun Ganguly tells Read more →

Minneapolis actor brought life to “Captain Phillips” but times are still lean. Read more →

For more than a year, Stefon Alexander, the Twin Cities rapper who performs as P.O.S., has been looking for a kidney. His musician pals, DoomTree, crowdfunded the cost, raising more than $47,000 for the procedure, well over the initial $25,000 goal. Finding a kidney turned out to be harder. Read more →

I wrote this post in February 2008 as Pete Seeger approached 90. With his death, there’ll be plenty of words written today about Seeger’s contribution to America, but — like the comments section in the original post — the ones that matter most are the ones that reveal whether we have yet to grasp what defines a good American.
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Now that we’ve got an orchestra back in Minneapolis, it’s time to renew the debate that preceded its year-long labor strife: Is classical music dead? Read more →

If you’ve been dispirited by the constant cuts in music education in recent years, perhaps you can find some hope in today’s awarding of a Grammy to an upstate New York teacher for excellence in music teaching. Read more →

Journalism’s Hall of Shame, why do you stand and clap for marginally good art, a school dance for an Osseo teen, why is Delta suddenly wanting to make flying comfortable, and Kevin Love reveals Team Dysfunction. Read more →
The image of David Sedaris, the author and humorist, is taking a significant hit this week as the result of his October New Yorker article about the suicide of his sister. Read more →