We got a bit of a preview today about what’s going to happen now that President Trump has ordered a halt to subsidy payments to insurance companies for health insurance copayments and deductibles.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Affordable Care Act
ay what you will about Obamacare — and you will — but it was a fine declaration in it that put members of Congress and the federal government under its provisions. If we had to live with it, they had to live with it.
Vox reports today that a new plan to repeal and replace Obamacare will protect members of Congress, their families, and their staffs from being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. The rest of America? You’re on your own. Read more →
You’ll have to work hard to find any significant logic in the interviews Vox’s Sarah Kliff did with residents in Kentucky, who apparently voted for Donald Trump because they didn’t think he and the Republicans would really take away their health insurance coverage.
He was, you may recall, the candidate promising to repeal Obamacare. Read more →
Contrary to predictions, many companies did not eliminate jobs with the advent of ObamaCare, the Affordable Health Care Act. Read more →
The King v. Burwell decision pitted Chief Justice John Roberts against Justice Antonin Scalia. Again. Read more →
The New York Times followed a Kentucky man with a chronic illness from the months before the national health law went into effect.
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The Affordable Care Act appears to be doing what it was supposed to do, a new report says.
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If you get your health insurance from your employer, the chances are pretty good that last week your co-pays — the amount you pay just for showing up — went up. So did your out-of-pocket maximum and your deductible. In short, it’s going to cost you a lot more to use your health care.
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If you really love restaurant workers, you’ll start paying your tips in cash. Read more →
The Affordable Care Act guarantees coverage for a pre-existing condition? That’s not necessarily the case. Read more →
There’s something not right at all about this morning’s NPR story from Texas in which a Texas family dropped their Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance because not a single one of the 28 obstetricians in their area ‘took Obamacare.’
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What’s in a name? Everything when it comes to polling about the health care law, officially known as the Affordable Care Act.
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