General Mills really brings the parental guilt with a release today of a video under the auspices of the Canada unit of its Nature Valley Granola brand that compares the memories of today’s oldsters with the ones of young people. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Advertising & marketing

Memo to marketers and brand managers. When you come up with your super-memorable jingle to push your product, make sure it can’t come back to haunt you 40 years later. Read more →
Duluth Mayor Don Ness suggested that St. Paul is just trying to be Duluth, and says while St. Paul might produce its share of beer, Duluth has the “ethic” than the capital city lacks.
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In Wisconsin, Jack Maier buys billboard space to keep what happened to his wife from happening to other people, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. Read more →

Thanks to Apple, a Major League Baseball player is going to get the ball he hit for his 100th Major League homerun. Read more →

AdWeek says the campaign is worth the gamble because nothing else has made South Dakota attractive. Read more →

In Massachusetts, this billboard got people all stirred up this week.
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Something good has come of the insipid national debate over whether the dress was blue or gold. Read more →

You’ve got to give the Minnesota Timberwolves marketing team credit. In the face of a nearly unwatchable product, they’re still plugging away trying to create something resembling excitement.
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A Canadian corporation is holding an online promotion to get people talking about mental illness and eliminate what the company says is a stigma against it by virtue of the thought that mental illness is a character flaw, a weakness, if you will. Read more →

We’ve reached the part of the Super Bowl season when companies release their ads, garnering more attention than a TV ad probably should.
And we’re pretty OK with that. Read more →

You don’t see a lot of 60-second ads on TV anymore unless it’s really good. This ad, which debuted last night during game one of the World Series and was directed by Spike Lee, is really good.
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When the campaign season mercifully ends in a few weeks, history will record that this was the year that hair was an issue in the race for Congress in Minnesota’s 8th District. Hair! Read more →

After the Netherlands eliminated Mexico, 2-to-1, in today’s World Cup soccer match, KLM Dutch Airlines, which apparently doesn’t need any business from Mexico, issued this tweet. ‘ The tweet was “racially insensitive,” according to Mashable and it has since been taken down. But not before stirring up Twitter. @KLM I use to fly your airline Read more →

There’s no question that corporations have to be very protective of the brand, but does McDonald’s really want to avoid being linked to democracy? Apparently so.
Protesters against the coup and crackdown on democracy and dissent in Thailand have been using the golden arches of McDonald’s in social media campaigns to keep the issue front and center. The McDonald’s stores in Bangkok have become a gathering point for street protests. Read more →