Cooper Dawson and Kingsley Feinman, have changed each other’s lives. Dawson is your basic jock. Feinman is your basic person with cerebral palsy. Read more →
Cooper Dawson and Kingsley Feinman, have changed each other’s lives. Dawson is your basic jock. Feinman is your basic person with cerebral palsy. Read more →
There’s so much to love in this video today from Stillwater Area Schools. Read more →
The study, published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association, comes from a team headed by a researcher at the University of Florida who studied reports of child abuse in ages 5 to 11 during the 2015-2016 academic year. Read more →
In Birchwood, Wis., northwest of Barron and Rice Lake, the kids in Nicole Schlapper’s kindergarten class start the day greeting one of their classmates. They get to pick how they want to do it — hug, handshake, high five etc. Read more →
Today on 1A (10 a.m. on MPR News), the guests will tackle the infamous prom photo from Baraboo, Wis., which has been roundly criticized, motivating the community to respond in the belief that the lack of education and understanding is involved in Baraboo’s hatred of Jews.
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There’s a shortage of pilots in the United States, which prompts us to consider some of the short-sighted decisions of some education institutions in these parts earlier in the century. Read more →
Brainerd school authorities are promising to get to the bottom of who posted an anti-Trump meme to the Garfield Elementary School’s Facebook page on Saturday. Read more →
Joe Gow’s bosses have done everything but draw him a diagram of how to clean out a desk and announce a resignation, but he’s hanging in there at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, still getting pelted with criticism for paying former porn actress Nina Hartley to speak on campus for Free Speech Week.
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The truth? First-graders can’t handle the truth!
That’s why a New Jersey substitute teacher is out of a job. Read more →
The story of a school that had a high percentage of underserved students accepted into some of the nation’s best universities was salve for the wounds of a wicked world.
Who didn’t feel good watching the viral videos of students checking whether they got accepted or not? Read more →
You can be forgiven if your first reaction to Gautum Mereddy’s story in the Duluth Tribune is, ‘his parents must have really pushed the kid.’ Mereddy, a student at Duluth East, received perfect scores on all five of the ACT and SAT tests he took.
Nope. They were ‘hands off,’ he said. Read more →
If you’ve raised kids, you know that the day you drop them off at school is among the most heartbreaking days for a parent. They don’t need you anymore, at least during school hours. For most parents, they soon realize it’s among the most joyous moments; they’ve got part of their lives back. At least during school hours.
Of course, you actually have to have a life for that to be of any value and too many people in Darien, Conn., don’t, apparently. Read more →
In Frisco, Texas a wise music teacher — as if there’s any other kind — has found the perfect way to keep parents and her students on the same page: an orchestra of parents.
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Upon further review, Joe Gow, the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse chancellor, has determined it wasn’t a good idea for him to invite a porn star to come to campus to speak. But he blames the media. Read more →
Jared Hensley may have been unqualified for a career in theology, so he ended up as an athletic director at a Tennessee high school, which also appears to be on thin ice now. Read more →