This is a tough time to be a young teacher in Minnesota’s school districts. It’s pink slip time, when your bosses get to suggest in public you’re not good enough for them but they can’t or won’t say exactly why. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for April 2019

Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

Not long after NewsCut was hatched, I drove around the state interviewing women who had served in World War II for a series on women and the war. Whenever I contacted one of my intended subjects, their response was almost always the same: ‘I’m not very newsworthy.’ They were wrong, of course. Everyone’s got a story worth telling. Read more →
It seems undeniable that lower wage jobs will disappear and a lot of people are going to be out of work Read more →
Drive down Post Road near MSP International Airport and you’ll see the sign of a changing economy. Read more →
Public Radio listeners, appropriately so, are sticklers for accuracy. So it’s at least a little amusing to read this week’s NPR Public Editor (formerly ombudsman) column which tackles the complaints of listeners who object to reporters and hosts pronouncing things correctly — specifically, non-English names.
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Some white people have gotten their feelings hurt — again — because the Minnesota Historical Society has pointed out that Minnesota history didn’t begin with them. Read more →
Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News Read more →

Jay Johnson inherited from his mom a priceless home full of buried treasures that have consumed his later years and kept him where he says he’s been all his life: poor. She left him something else: a keen interest in history, and a desire to tell the family story by preserving her grandfather’s Old Prospect Inn. Read more →

An elderly woman was eating alone last Thursday evening when Jamario Howard, JaMychol Baker, and Tae Knight walked into Brad’s BBQ in Oxford, Alabama. Read more →
Sometimes, kids don’t cooperate, as was the case last night in Baltimore when a fan of the Chicago White Sox wanted nothing to do with the thing. Read more →

Dr. Brenda Cassellius, 51, who left her job when the Dayton administration was replaced in January, told a panel interviewing school superintendent candidate finalists in Boston on Tuesday that she’s been looking for ‘a district that’s ready to move the agenda for vulnerable kids.’ Read more →
Apparently, we are supposed to feel sympathy for the businesses that are making job offers to potential employees, only to hear nothing in return.
No, thank you.
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Exhibit A: Last night’s NBA playoff game between the Portland Trailblazers and the Oklahoma City Thunder. Game tied with seconds left in a series Portland led three-games-to-one. Read more →

Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →