When it comes to obnoxious fans, only concert-goers can rival golf fans who insist on shouting ‘get in the hole!’ at the tee box of a par five hole.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for January 2019

Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

January has a habit of showing up around this time of year, and so does this post. Read more →
Casey Smitherman, a school superintendent in Elwood, Ind., has been arrested for a crime committed by the nation’s health care system. Read more →

Earlier this week, there was appropriate gnashing of teeth with word that Digital First — the hedge fund that’s destroyed the St. Paul Pioneer Press and other proud newspapers across America — would make a play for Gannett, owners of dozens of newspapers, including the St. Cloud Times, the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
We need not have worried about Digital First. Gannett has killed off many of the papers with a round of layoffs that leaves the newspapers as newspapers in name only. Read more →
Abdellatif El Maarouf blew through stop signals and slammed his westbound Green Line train into a car crossing the intersection at Eustis and University, killing the driver and badly injuring a passenger. Read more →
Over the weekend, four people — three men and a high schooler — were arrested for plotting to bomb a Muslim community in New York. Good luck finding anything more than a passing mention on the news.
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Here are the topics, guests, and stories you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

There are just 19 days before pitchers and catchers report to spring training, but Major League Baseball is already in mid-season form when it comes to trying to stiff players who aren’t stars and are trying to make ends meet while pursuing a dream. Read more →

We interrupt our blog posting to reveal that the Budweiser Super Bowl ad, which previously and traditionally focused on Clydesdales and puppies, is heavy on the Dylan this year. Read more →
His friend runs an education program at a medium security prison and for years tried to get Littlefield involved. But he resisted until he had time. And in retirement, he wanted to stretch his comfort zone; prison was outside his comfort zone. Read more →
No more entries, please, we have a winner in the competition to see how many sleds sled dogs can pull. Ten. This is how folks in northern Minnesota survive winter. Read more →

Here’s an update on a story I passed along a week or so ago about a man in Arizona who mistakenly got an invite to a bachelor party weekend, skiing in Vermont, then asked if he could come anyway. It went pretty well. Read more →

Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

The two conference championship games on Sunday proved anew that the NFL has the worst officiating in all of sports. The lamentations in the aftermath of the New Orleans – Los Angeles Rams game proves anew that the world has too many lawyers. Read more →