Tuesday Dec. 11, 2018
(Subject to change as events dictate. This page is updated throughout the day.)
9 a.m. – MPR News with Kerri Miller
Anne Lamott is the author of many books, including “Operating instructions” and “Bird by Bird.” Her new book is titled, “Almost Everything: Notes on Hope.”
MPR News host Kerri Miller sat down with Anne Lamott to talk frustrations and compassion and how she maintains her faith in God despite great loss and daily chaos.
9:55 a.m. – Movie maven Stephanie Curtis will join Kerri in the studio to talk about what’s hot in movies, music and more.
10 a.m.- 1A with Joshua Johnson
Standing in line at the Post Office can be a holiday tradition. So too is the fact that the U.S. Postal Service has become a loss-making enterprise. The Post Office is written into the Constitution. But could we live without it? Is it time for this public service to go private?
11 a.m. – MPR News with Angela Davis
The Minnesota Orchestra is on a hunt for a new music director. Osmo Vanska announced last week that he’ll step down in 2022. Under Vanska’s baton, the Minnesota Orchestra drew international attention. The group won a Grammy in 2014, and performed in both Cuba and South Africa in addition to multiple European tours. Vanska is also credited with rebuilding the ensemble after a bruising contract dispute and musician lockout that threatened the organization’s future.
Guests: Brian Newhouse, Managing Director of Minnesota Public Radio/American Public Media’s classical programming; Bill Eddins, Music Director Emeritus of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and a frequent guest conductor of major orchestras throughout the world. Was an associate conductor with the Minnesota Orchestra in the ’90s.
12 p.m. – MPR News Presents
A new debate from the Intelligence Squared series: “Has Silicon Valley lost its soul?”
1 p.m. – The Takeaway
Is this is a Brexit, exit? While there is broad support for many of the key aspects of the deal, on one issue — the northern Ireland backstop — there remains widespread and deep concern. Theresa May fails to get the support she needs for her plan to leave the EU. The question now is will they leave?
Guests: Devin Leonard, Bloomberg Businessweek reporter, author of ‘Neither Snow Nor Rain: A History of the United States Postal Service‘; Mark Dimondstein, president, American Postal Workers Union; Robert Reisner, former vice president for Strategic Planning (1996-2001) at USPS; Jim Tankersley, economics and tax reporter, The New York Times.
2 p.m. – BBC NewsHour
Is the British Prime Minister winning concessions in the rest of the EU and is she also facing a challenge for the leadership from her own party? Big reverses for the governing party in India. And a rare interview with the President of the DRC .
3 p.m. – All Things Considered
The latest on the Brexit stalemate; an exit interview with Jerry Brown; the new farm bill examined; the rollback in clean water; the Cleveland Orchestra at 100.
6:00 p.m. – Marketplace
The great job hunt on Capitol Hill. The blue wave in the House of Representatives means there are now a lot of legislators who are out of the job and looking for new ones.
6:30 p.m. – The Daily
In a humiliating last-minute move, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain postponed a vote in Parliament on Tuesday on the terms of the country’s divorce from the European Union. We look at why Britain is so frustrated by Brexit even before Brexit has taken effect.
Guests: Ellen Barry, the chief international correspondent for The New York Times; Stephen Castle, a Times correspondent in London.
7 p.m. – The World
Time Magazine’s Person of the Year is actually several people – all journalists who have risked their lives to report on authoritarian rulers and their abuses of power. The late Jamal Khashoggi is named, as is our first guest on the show today – Maria Ressa. She’s written extensively about the abuses committed under the Duterte regime in the Philippines.
The murder of Khashoggi, widely blamed on the Saudi Crown Prince, is causing soul-searching in high places. Especially in Washington DC, where presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner has continued to be in touch with Muhammed bin Salman since the journalist’s assassination. We’ll hear more about that.
And we will also laugh at authority today, with two British comedians – one pro-Brexit, the other a so-called ‘remainer’ – who give us dueling barbs about Prime Minister Theresa May’s failure so far to deliver a deal with the EU that Parliament will accept.
Also, how the United Nations is helping Central American migrants in Mexico who want to return to their home countries rather than try to enter the US.
Plus, an 8-year-old listener takes Marco to task over a line from one of our recent stories.
8 p.m. – Fresh Air
An in-studio performance with J.D. McPherson who fronts his own roots and rockabilly band, and has a new album of original Christmas songs that he wrote, called Socks. We’ll hear selections from their album. The band consists of McPherson on guitar, Doug Corcoran various instruments, Jimmy Sutton on bass, and Ray Jacildo on keyboard.