Wednesday November 21, 2018
(Subject to change as events dictate)
9 a.m. – MPR News with Kerri Miller
Alexander McCall Smith is one of the most prolific authors of our time with over 100 books under his belt. But beyond being an author, McCall was a professor of medical law, a mathematician, and a bioethicist. MPR News Host Kerri Miller explored the breadth of McCall’s knowledge during the season finale of Talking Volumes.
McCall joined Miller at the Fitzgerald Theater on Nov. 14 to talk about the release of his latest book “The Colors of All the Cattle.”
10 a.m.- 1A with Joshua Johnson
The Green Book was real. It was a guide that let African-Americans navigate the cities, towns and roadways of Jim Crow America. Now, Green Book is a movie. In the film – directed by Peter Farrelly of “Dumb and Dumber” and “There’s Something About Mary” fame – Viggo Mortensen plays a driver hired to escort a musician, played by Mahershala Ali, on a tour of the southern United States. The Green Book is their guide. It’s a mix of a road trip drama and a buddy comedy, with a running commentary about race.
Guests: John Horn, host, KPCC’s “The Frame”; Alvin Hall, TV and radio broadcaster; Brooke Obie, managing editor, Shadow & Act.
11 a.m. – MPR News at 11
Blaming millennials is a popular pastime. So here’s one more thing to blame them for: a declining divorce rate. A new paper finds the divorce rate in America has declined by 18 percent overall. And sociologists involved in this research say millennials are responsible for these changing patterns in marriage and divorce.
Guest: Bill Doherty, director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Center at the University of Minnesota.
12 p.m. – MPR News Presents
A new documentary from the Humankind series: “Diet and Health.” Physicians and nutritionists explain what we know about a healthy diet, and how to achieve it.
1 p.m. – The Takeaway
Finding gratitude after unimaginable loss . Communities affected by the northern California Camp Fire come together to support those who’ve lost everything.
Also: A look at incidents of domestic violence against women of color in light of Monday’s shooting in Chicago; a fight over tribal press freedom in Oklahoma; the fight over how to handle a mass grave that is currently under the construction site of a school in Sugar Land, Texas; and some feel-good television and movie recommendations.
2 p.m. – BBC NewsHour
A British man is sentenced to life in jail for spying in the United Arab Emirates. Deadly protests in Haiti. Brexit politics shift again.
3 p.m. – All Things Considered
Texas turns purple; how insurers profit on sleep apnea; is pre-check really speeding up the airplane lines? And Minnesota farmers keep an eye on the farm bill.
6:00 p.m. – Marketplace
Companies like Ancestry.com and 23andMe have led to the rise of at-home genetic testing. But what happens to our DNA information once it becomes customer data?
6:30 p.m. – The Daily
At nearly every turn, President Trump’s own generals tried to persuade him not to deploy active-duty troops to the United States border with Mexico. So what are 5,000 troops doing there?
Guests: Helene Cooper, who covers the Pentagon for The New York Times.
7 p.m. – The World
President Trump chose arms sales and oil over taking a stand against the apparent state-sponsored murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Host Marco Werman speaks with journalist and New Yorker writer Robin Wright about how she interpreted the statement.
We’ll also hear from Omar Abdulaziz, a young Saudi dissident living in Canada. A digital freedom research group found out that his communications with Jamal Khashoggi were monitored by the Saudi government. Marco speaks with Omar about the implications of Trump’s support for the Saudi leadership.
Also on the show today, reporter Emily Green catches up with a group of LGBTQ migrants who broke off from the main migrant caravan that has reached Tijuana, Mexico.
And Marco speaks with a 17-year-old from Mati, a town in Greece that was devastated by wildfires last summer. This week, Niovi Tupay took part in a campaign in Greece to show solidarity with those affected by the wildfires in California.
8 p.m. – Fresh Air
Actor Rami Malek plays Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen, in the new film Bohemian Rhapsody. Malek also stars in the TV series Mr. Robot, about as a cybersecurity expert by day, and a hacker at night. Join us .