Upon further review, perhaps it wasn’t in Juli Briskman’s best interest to exercise her freedom of expression when on a recent bike ride that occurred when the president’s motorcade passed.

She also made the mistake of telling her HR department at work that the image was “blowing up” on social media.
She’s been fired from her job with a government contractor, Huffington Post reports today.
“They said, ‘We’re separating from you,‘” said Briskman. “Basically, you cannot have ‘lewd’ or ‘obscene’ things in your social media. So they were calling flipping him off ‘obscene.’”
“I wasn’t even at work when I did that,” Briskman told the Washington Post. “But they told me I violated the code of conduct policy.”
She had posted the image on a social media account without identifying that the woman in the photo was her. She was wearing nothing that linked her to the company, Akima.
She also points out that earlier this year, a company officer responded to Black Lives Matter by posting “You’re a f****ing Libtard a**hole.”
He’s still on the job.
“In some ways, I’m doing better than ever,” she tells HuffPo. “I’m angry about where our country is right now. I am appalled. This was an opportunity for me to say something.”