The word war between the campaign of St. Paul mayoral candidate Melvin Carter III and the city’s police union took its predictable next step today after the police union federation’s vice president made a campaign issue out of a break-in at Carter’s Summit-University home Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for October 2017

We’ve always enjoyed watching our graphics design friends see things that we can’t; it’s what keeps them in business what with the freshness and newness of their messaging.
Does it make a difference? You decide. Read more →
The Los Angeles Dodgers are in the World Series for the first time in 29 years and, apparently, a lot of their fans and players are still living in the ’80s, when ‘she probably throws like a girl’ was a thing. Read more →
The City Council in Eau Claire has put an end to any breastfeeding during meetings. On a 7-to-1 vote yesterday, the council banned from the dais at City Hall children and anyone else not elected to be there. Read more →
If you can’t trust the Amazon delivery person inside your home, who can you trust, America? Read more →
Kids are being forced to give up multiple sports to concentrate on a single sport all year. They’re sent off to ‘camps’ to be better at their chosen or appointed sport, all the better to make the team. That’s not Linaes Whiting’s thing.
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A proposed ban on refugees in St. Cloud forces us to examine the question, ”what does it mean to say ‘welcome’ in Minnesota?” Read more →

When you hear Gary Rose tell his story, you wonder what took the U.S. so long. Read more →
Unless there’s a future announcement involving a significant reduction in fares, it’s hard to see how Sun Country Airlines’ new baggage fee policy does much more than encourage people not to fly Sun Country anymore.
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If there’s one thing we love in Minnesota, it’s being insulted and outraged and Pulitzer Prize winner David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post provided our reason for living today with this tweet promoting an appearance in Washington with Bob Woodward, who once did something big for the Post. Read more →
Every now and again, we read a Minnesota Court of Appeals case involving warring parents and their child caught in the middle, and we wonder how it will ever be possible for a child to survive the damage of warring parents. Read more →
As someone who was also kicked out of Cub Scouts (apparently I didn’t take the threat of my peers in the Soviet Union seriously), I feel you Ames Mayfield. Read more →

Andrew Wiggins hit the last-second shot after the Oklahoma City Thunder tied the game with a few seconds to go, an invitation for the Timberewolves of years past to pack it in. Read more →

It was all party last night for Clayton Kershaw of the Los Angeles Dodgers, who beat the Chicago Cubs for the National League pennant and a trip to the World Series sponsored by Who Really Cares Anyway? [tm] Read more →
Burger King isn’t the type of brand that tackles important issues — it’s a hamburger joint, afterall — but that’s what it’s done this week with an ad against bullying. Read more →