Politics can be scary these days.

Does that scare you? No? Then you’re obviously not a voter in the precinct where people called the cops when Pat Payaso showed up to vote yesterday in a primary election in Boston.
Payaso is a clown who is running for City Council.
“Apparently he was near a polling location on Cedar Street and some well-meaning people got a little nervous seeing a creepy clown hanging out on the periphery, so they called it in,” department spokesman officer Stephen McNulty told the Boston Herald.
When police showed up at the polling location, Roxbury Community College, they found no clown, although they stopped him later when he was driving his clown car — a Dodge Viper. They quickly realized he wasn’t a threat because….. look at him!
Payaso — clown in Spanish — changed his name from Kevin McCrea.
He wasn’t on yesterday’s primary ballot so there was no violation of a law preventing campaigning at a polling location.