Sometimes the rain delay is more entertaining than the baseball game. Read more →
Sometimes the rain delay is more entertaining than the baseball game. Read more →
It’s never too late to start, of course, but there are nowhere near enough people on the earth whose story makes you wish you were a better person.
John Carlson, who died this week in the explosion at Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis, was clearly one. Read more →
There were many reasons why Target Center in Minneapolis was one of the biggest dumps in the NBA.
The troughs in men’s bathrooms was one. Read more →
From time to time on NewsCut, we have considered the proposition that one cannot pursue one’s passion and also make a living. Pick one or the other when deciding on a career, kids.
But then we see a story like Keanon Kyles’, who makes his living as an opera singer.
Also as a janitor. Read more →
Built in the early ’70s, the Julia Belle Swain was a fixture on the Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers until its last voyage (under its own power, anyway) in 2008, when it became a victim of the economic meltdown in America.
Its financially strapped owners were allowed to dock it in La Crosse, and there it sat for five years, not getting any healthier
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The Legislature had a chance to increase the odds of people like Laura Elena Soto Silva getting home to her kids. It chose not to. Read more →
We are still a species that will drop what we’re doing and spend whatever money it takes on a skunk, if it needs our help. As long as it doesn’t bite us. Read more →
The next time you get frustrated because weather prevents your flight from leaving on time, think of this video that was made public today. Read more →
The Wall Street Journal reports this afternoon that there are people walking among us who don’t know that a person can get TV “over the air.” Read more →
Humanity has an ethical question it’s going to have to think about now with today’s announcement that scientists in Oregon have successfully edited genes in human embryos to repair a disease-causing mutation that often kills young athletes.
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If you have a friend with whom you can converse by saying nothing, the words will strike a chord. If you don’t, they’ll make you wonder where you went wrong.
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In Fertile, Minn., Ryan Strem has built a baseball field in the shadow of a corn field for the local kids to play ball for free.
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The people of Crow Wing County are bummed, realizing that a once-local corporation isn’t quite as ‘local’ anymore, now that it’s been bought by a conglomerate.
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Some Facebook users reached a new low today — even for Facebook users — when someone thought it was a good idea to post the image of a man in St. Paul who took his own life.
The St. Paul Police Department — and cops see the worst in us every day — was shocked at the callousness toward a man who had lived with mental health issues.
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