Loyal NewsCut readers know that I surface every so often to note (with facts!) how Minnesota’s economy has outmuscled Wisconsin since the end of the Great Recession.
So when I saw Tuesday’s Washington Post story with the headline, “These states have the fattest pets — and they might surprise you,” I was ready to go all Indignant Minnesotan on the Badger State. Surely, we had the fittest pets — or at least fitter than Wisconsin.
But facts, my friends, are stubborn things.
It turns out Wisconsin’s cats turned in a 30 percent obesity rate with dogs at 22 percent, both below national averages.
Worst in the nation? Minnesota.
Citing a Banfield Pet Hospital report, the Post writes:
Topping the list for both chunky dogs and fat cats: Minnesota, where 41 percent of pooches and 46 percent of kitties were rated by veterinarians as overweight or obese. In second place for both species was Nebraska, where the figures were 39 percent for dogs and 43 percent for cats.
The Banfield report propagates our shame by providing easily recognizable state shapes.
No escape.
Full disclosure: I have two cats and, while they are not obese, they are a little chunky. I’m working on it, Wisconsin. I’m working on it.