This is what it looks like when a cyclist tries to get from one place to another in Minneapolis.

Aaron Nelson, 26, a bike courier, says he was riding on Lake Street on the evening of April 29 when a driver in a car hit him.
“There was a car behind me who was upset that I was in the road and honked at me then intentionally swerved to hit me,” he tells the Alexandria Echo Press.
Nelson split his forehead open — 13 stitches — broke his thumb, cracked some teeth and has road rash. There might be some nerve damage.
But, hey, at least the driver of the car got to where he/she was going without much delay because he/she took off. That must have been an important trip on a Sunday Saturday night.
“I almost would have been happier if it was someone who was drunk and just didn’t know they hit somebody,” he said. “I’ve had people yell at me or chase me down, since I’m biking for work all the time. To think someone would actually do that (on purpose) is upsetting.”
He’s been recuperating at his mother’s house in Alexandria, Minn., but returned to Minneapolis Thursday.
A GoFundMe page — has been set up for him. He says he doesn’t know how long he’ll be out of work. And he’ll need a new bike and helmet.