Chris Newsome, of Jacksonville, Ala., didn’t think much of the toad on his porch one evening. But when it returned the next night, he figured it could use a little dressing up.
Newsome likes hats, so he made a hat for the toad.
And then he gussied it up. The toad seemed to like it.
Newsome says he started making the hats and taking pictures to cheer up a kid he knew who lost his pet toad.
A lot of toads might be embarrassed by this sort of thing. Not this toad.
Newsome posted a few pictures on Reddit, where the idea took off. So he’s now set up a Twitter account and is taking requests for what sort of hat to make next for the toad.
When the cold weather arrived in Alabama, the toad hit the road. But Newsome is still making hats.
“I just enjoy hearing that people are laughing,” Chris tells the Birmingham News. “That’s the whole point.”
(h/t: Fiona Quick)
Related animal finery: Here’s a picture of a chicken with a sweater:

LifestyleBarn yarn: Retirees knitting sweaters for chilly chickens (Associated Press)