Two news stories today show the danger of taking a stand in today’s America. Read more →
Two news stories today show the danger of taking a stand in today’s America. Read more →
an attorney for a student thrown out of the NAVY ROTC program has filed a federal suit claiming a lack of due process, the Indianapolis Star reports today. Read more →
Today’s most intriguing trivia mystery comes from Paul Lukas, who writes the Uni Watch blog, which focuses on sports uniforms: Whose name is on the back of the Fran Tarkenton jersey that Mary Richards is wearing in the opening credits while washing her car?
Hint: It’s not Fran Tarkenton.
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Sutin and his father, Julius, managed to escape from the ghetto to the forest region of eastern Poland, where Sutin became the leader of a small group of Jewish partisans who managed to accumulate arms and become a fighting force against the Nazis and the collaborating Polish police. He met his love in a bunker. Read more →
It’s awfully hard being a kid today. You have to learn some tough and painful lessons at too young an age.
In Mesquite, Texas, the kids have learned not to trust people with sad stories. Read more →
We’ll take our kindness and humanity anywhere we can find it and today we find it from a couple of dueling politicians, which is why this qualifies as ‘news’, and also why we’re constantly searching for kindness and humanity. Read more →
If the Minnesota Department of Transportation isn’t careful, it’s going to make winter snowstorms in Minnesota positively entertaining. The agency today announced that “plowcams” are now available on 511.org, its traffic website. Read more →
There is only one true way to mark the death of Mary Tyler Moore.
By laughing. A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants.
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There will, at least for now, be no additional inspections of jetliners for fatigue cracking in their skin, as a result of the Trump administration’s order to withdraw all regulations waiting to be published in the Federal Register. But U.S. travelers won’t be unsafe because of the decision. Read more →
At one time, Musburger was at the top of the heap of sports broadcasters, but time has a way of passing sportscasters by, sometimes with embarrassing results. Read more →
Anyone who actually knows the market knows that past performance is no indication of future results. Obama’s 16 percent drop in value over the same period of time as Trump’s 6 percent increase only tells us one thing: Markets go up and markets go down.
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Bad Lip Reading has just released its latest spoof: the inauguration. Read more →
It was — and is — bad enough when the Mayo Clinic Lynx became the first major sports team in this area to plaster advertising on their uniforms. They did so with good reason; the WNBA is still a struggling league. Its step-parent — the National Basketball Association — is not. The owners, thanks to a rich new TV deal, can’t count their money fast enough to keep up. Read more →
Jack Lipscomb, 19, has spunk. We like spunk.
Lipscomb, a fan of the Cleveland Indians, wants to throw out a ‘first pitch’ at a home game, a reasonable request considering the usual boring array of people who are entrusted with the task in baseball these days. Read more →
The latest volley over whether journalist should say Donald Trump is lying comes after he indicated this week that he would have won the popular vote for president had it not been for voter fraud. There’s no evidence that’s the case, nor is it the first time the president has repeated the falsehood nor been told it’s a falsehood. Read more →