The owner of Hillcrest Terrace sued then Star Tribune reporter Paul McEnroe following his April 2013 story that the facility left a man with developmental disabilities and mental illness ‘alone and sitting in filth.’ The story was based on a not-yet-released Minnesota Department of Health report that was leaked to McEnroe. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for September 2016
Four inches above the knee. That’s the updated dress code for middle- and high-school students in Bemidji, and some parents suggest by students, they mean girls. Read more →

She and her young daughter have been trying to move out of the apartment she and Philando Castile shared. But when she inspected it, and sounded almost as bad as the place she desperately wanted to leave, the Washington Post says.
But it’s the section about another person who was in the car that is the most compelling — Dae’Anna, the four-year-old. Read more →

If two photos could capture the intensity of the heroin epidemic in America at the moment, these are the ones. Read more →

Your assignment is to go search the far reaches of the Internet and find something that doesn’t leave the rest of us feeling the way we felt too often this week.
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In making the announcement that the squad will wear a patch with the number 11, the Twins said the Wetterling family encourages people to wear the number and live by these 11 principles. Read more →

Can we get a little bit of love for the Star Tribune today? Specifically, for reporter Liz Sawyer who has solved the mystery caused by this photo, uploaded to Facebook on Sunday by award-winning 17-year-old photographer Gabrielle Bremer of Barnum. Read more →
The Minnesota Twins are in the death rattle phase of 2016 season. Other than Brian Dozier and a clearly rejuvenated Byron Buxton, previously known as the savior of the franchise, there’s no reason to go to a ballgame.
So you can hardly blame the Twins for resorting to a fade and disgraced fashion to try to get fans into the ballpark: Zubaz, the fashion version of the mullett. Read more →
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse students have joined the growing list of young men at colleges proud to promote a rape culture on campus through stupid signs displayed to incoming freshmen. Read more →

The attack on Wednesday evening by Star Tribune gossip columnist C.J. — she never uses her real name — on KARE 11 journalist Jana Shortal because of her clothing while reporting the Wetterling story seems an indecency all its own. Read more →

Elaine Harmon today finally got the respect she more than earned as a member of the Womens Air Force Service Pilots (WASPS). Read more →

We celebrate good lives. We rarely consider good deaths. In Saskatchewan, Jim Jeffery, 95, had a good death, as described by the CBC.
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A Florida congressman appeared to threaten to unleash a virus on the U.S. House of Representatives over its inaction. Read more →
Is there a town in Minnesota with more character and history than Bovey? Read more →

Deadspin’s Drew Magary wasn’t even writing about beer when he penned his Green Bay Packers preview a couple of weeks ago. The insult to the state’s hops just sort of fit right after calling Green Bay “a disgusting fraud.” Read more →