The idea that we all have to trudge to a particular spot on the planet to cast a vote in an election is a relic of yesteryear and turnout numbers suggest it’s an ineffective one. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for June 2016
In the airplane-flying business, we’re required to prove every two years that we’re capable of safely piloting our vehicles. What would happen if we adopted the same philosophy to driving? Why do we treat driver’s licenses as lifetime passes? Read more →

The New York Times today hits on a truism: Even as he’s been an icon of Minnesota since the the glaciers helped create Bluff Country, nobody really knows him. Read more →
For the first time since 2009, Clown Camp, which made La Crosse somewhat internationally famous in the clown community, is back in town, the La Crosse Tribune says. Read more →
The role of baseball as the glue that keeps fathers and son together has been documented so often that most attempts to add to it seem cliche anymore. Read more →
There might have been a time when the murder of nearly 50 people might cause the country to step back and re-evaluate how hatred begins. Maybe pull a little closer together. Maybe give each other a break. Read more →
How horrible is the open office? People would rather be in their soulless cubicles, the Boston Globe says. Read more →

Kevin Love is so bad that a city that is pretty comfortable with losing isn’t comfortable with losing with him. Read more →

Dale Mossey, of Clearwater, isn’t done working or dreaming. He gave up the bench to be a long-haul trucker in 2011. Now, he’s starting another new career. Read more →

Dejuan Quashon Montgomery is probably heading back to prison soon because he stole a 9-year-old girl’s cellphone. You might see it as a crime story. I see it as a health story. Read more →

‘Comfort Dogs’ have begun arriving at the scene of Sunday’s mass killing. They’re doing what they do best: be dogs. Read more →
A Boston restaurant is getting a little attention today for solving the growing question surrounding mens and ladies bathrooms and who should be allowed to enter which one. Read more →
After three successful attempts to land a booster rocket on an ocean barge — to be used again later — it exploded on a fourth attempt by SpaceX today. Read more →
It is a truth, of course, that nobody gets out of life alive, which puts coffee drinkers today in a position to evaluate the meaning of life in very real way: Is life worth living if we don’t enjoy what might make it shorter? Read more →

The week is either horse racing with a side show of fashion, or a fashion show with a side show of horse racing. Read more →