What can the nation’s leaders learn from a small-town cop who has to struggle with what the law tells him he must do and what his heart tells him is right? Everything. Read more →
What can the nation’s leaders learn from a small-town cop who has to struggle with what the law tells him he must do and what his heart tells him is right? Everything. Read more →
Many drivers don’t stop at the red light before turning right. If they do, they often look only to the left. It’s how innocent people die in Minnesota on a surprisingly regular basis.
Almost unanimously in my 10-minute survey, drivers never stopped at the red light before turning right on red. And those who did never looked to the right; they were only interested in making sure no car was coming from the left.
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It’s tough nowadays to be a small, grassroots nonprofit that serves its communities. Funders want more sophisticated organizations that can stand on their own if one funder puts its money elsewhere.
But small, grassroots non-profits are often the most successful at the bottom line: directly helping people.
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ESPN reports today that Taylor, who’s not getting any younger, has sold a minority interest in the team to Lizhang Jiang, a Shanghai-based businessman, that puts the value of the team at $1 billion.
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Any day now, the Mississippi River is going to give us what the Illinois River gave the people of Havana, Ill., southwest of Chicago, today. Read more →
Military bands spend about $437 million on instruments, uniforms and travel expenses each year, according to the Department of Defense. So lawmakers in the House of Representatives think that money could be better spent elsewhere. Read more →
An attorney for the sports bar claimed that there’s nothing in the law that prevents an owner from firing an employee for not doing something illegal. Read more →
Key excerpts from the Supreme Court’s decision. Read more →
A La Crosse, Wis., church is shutting down its ‘tent ministry’ after its insurance company refused to provide coverage to the church that’s pitched tents on its lawn for the last year. Read more →
Once A Prairie Home Companion — or at least its Minnesotaness — disappears, what is our image to the bubs in Colorado and elsewhere? Read more →
A year ago Sunday, Jack Evans and George Harris became the first same-sex couple to be married in Dallas County. But they were icons in the city for more than 50 years, about the length of time the two had been together before finally being allowed to get married.
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The area surrounding their home in China has been decimated by pollution.
So they started planting trees. One tree at a time. So far, they’ve planted 10,000 trees. Read more →
The Fargo Forum is getting some pushback from its community after it reported the results of an autopsy of the popular owner of a West Fargo diner. Read more →
Gone are the days when a person would get a dog, teach Fido to sit and stay, and, in the suburbs at least, send him out alone, no questions asked, the Boston Globe says. Read more →