It’s not as if we needed proof, but we’ve got more confirmation than when it comes to getting hammered, nobody beats a Midwesterner. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for May 2016
Sid Shafner, 94, gets around in a wheelchair now, like many World War II veterans these days. But it wasn’t always that way.
He was a stand-up hero, part of a generation of them. Read more →
A Florida man allegedly killed his wife because he didn’t have money for her medication. That should be a starting point for political candidates and the media to start talking about the problems. Read more →
Football has an amazing ability to stay in the news virtually every day during the off-season. Today did not break the string. Apparently, ESPN — and you’ll want to sit down for this — tweeted something stupid. Read more →
There is a growing trend in obituary humor that makes anyone tired of politics ask the question, ‘Shouldn’t there be a place that’s campaign free?’ Read more →
If you’re really concerned about an achievement gap, you focus efforts on providing academic support to those not getting it, not taking it away from those who are. Read more →

Guy Clark died today. The singer and songwriter’s career always carried an important message: Don’t waste your life not following your passion. Read more →

School officials in the Crosby-Ironton school district reportedly have threatened to withhold the diploma of a senior because he showed up at school yesterday with a Confederate flag attached to his car.
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She was married off by her family at 18 to a man in Hong Kong she’d never met and didn’t like. They eventually moved to the white, Scandinavian enclave of Minnesota, her daughter, Katie, recalled. And she didn’t even speak English. Read more →

If you’re like most people, you probably have the occasional head-shaking moment when a memory of something you did as a kid causes a moment of guilt and self-loathing.
Tom Caldwell, CEO of Caldwell Securities Ltd., of Toronto, does.
That’s why he took out this ad this month in Canadian Jewish News. Read more →
The continuing fight between Public Radio and developing technology spilled into the open again today when an Indiana station said it will stop carrying This American Life because Ira Glass has cut a deal with Pandora to provide exclusive on-demand streaming. Public Radio stations can still stream the shows live on their websites.
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Duluth-based Cirrus is getting plenty of attention today because the idea of a personal jet is finally getting off the ground. Years behind schedule, the first produced model of of Cirrus’ VLJ (very light jet) has made its maiden flight, the Duluth News Tribune says. Read more →
A probate court judge said it was not appropriate for the court to make rulings on immigration in the case of Jose Maria Chimborazo Guaman. On Monday, the Minnesota Court of Appeals disagreed.
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The Mayo Clinic Boost Lynx became the first major sports team in our area to adopt the idea, which they did in 2014, and it worked out fine. They won a championship.
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Families who opt for cremation spend 42 cents on the dollar compared to the traditional funeral. That’s inflicted a toll on many in the industry who haven’t adapted.
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