Once a year, Twin Cities journalists rush to provide a massive infomercial for the Minnesota Twins. It’s the day the team unveils its food offerings. That day was yesterday.
Baseball long ago figured out if you feed reporters, they’ll write just about anything you want them to, and miss the story you don’t want them to write.
Baseball teams can be pretty sneaky at the concession stand. Remember a few years ago when a non-journalist actually measured the amount of beer in a large, more expensive cup and found it contained the same amount as the lower-priced cup? No? You were probably too smitten with the Fruit Loops margarita to notice.
David Brauer (whose new podcast with Britt Robson should be required listening) calls it a “discouraging P.R. win” for the team.
Should a pizza really cost $36? And why is a 10-inch gluten free pizza the same price as a 16-inch regular pizza? Is breaking the $10 beer barrier at least as significant a statistic for the working person as wins above replacement value? Why are Target Field’s beer prices only eclipsed by the price in Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia? Why have the price of corn dogs gone up 25 percent?
Brauer has posted a chart of all of Target Field’s food costs on medium.com.