Samuel Willenberg devoted most of his 97 years to preserving the memory of more than 875,000 people who were murdered by the Nazis in the Treblinka death camp in World War II. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for February 2016
Megabus, the no-frills-bus from Chicago to Minneapolis, picked the wrong day to sell a ticket to a reporter.
When it blew up on the way to Milwaukee, the New York Times’ Frugal Traveler, Lucas Peterson, started tweeting, proving the old adage ‘the only thing worse than bad publicity is no publicity’ an utter lie. Read more →
Writer James Fallows seems surprised to find out that the entrepreneurial environment isn’t limited to San Francisco. Read more →

Pitchers and catchers reported for spring training yesterday, in preparation for the return of the last remaining sport in which fans don’t have to get hammered to enjoy it.
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Virginia McLaurin was 104, when she was honored for working 40 hours a week working with students with severe mental and physical challenges. At the time, she had one wish: She wanted to meet the nation’s first black president. Read more →
One of these days we’re simply going to have to get down to Kenyon to meet police chief Lee Sjolander, whose Facebook account is a must-read for anyone from these parts. Read more →
As the dust-up between Donald Trump and the pope begins to fade, a new front in the definitions of Christianity and the Church has opened up with a St. Louis archbishop’s letter to his clergy to consider evicting the Girl Scouts from parishes that sponsor them. Read more →

Enjoy the annual runway collection of garments that you’ll never find on the rack at Target, but over which people will ogle and applaud, and never, ever see again. Read more →
Turn on the news now and “To Kill a Mockingbird” is just as poignant and relevant as it was during the Civil Rights movement in which Lee wrote it, or the segregated 1930s in which she set it. Read more →

I suppose it’s no secret that if you want to appeal to the ‘average’ person in America — or so the elitist political experts suggest — you must try to be a little less competent at the use of the English language.
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Homeless people in San Francisco are bringing a ‘tech bro’ down. Read more →
There’s trouble in Fargo. I said trouble. Trouble with a capital ‘T’. And that rhymes with ‘P’ and that stands for ‘pool’. Read more →
Joshua Meyrs, 29, walked into a busy intersection, hoping a car would hit him. But a stranger stopped her car, brought him to it, and started talking to him. Read more →
It is the season of departures in one fashion or another, which leads me to recommend a couple of essays today on matters of life. Read more →

Utility player Mike Aviles said his daughter, Adriana, underwent a bone marrow transplant in December and is now cancer free. Read more →