Tim Harris is the only restaurant owner in the country with Down Syndrome. But he’s given it up for love. Read more →
Tim Harris is the only restaurant owner in the country with Down Syndrome. But he’s given it up for love. Read more →
If you squint, perhaps, the picture underneath Mayor Chris Coleman’s welcome to St. Paul in the program of the national figure skating championships looks like St. Paul from Harriet Island. And the bridge could easily be mistaken for the Wabasha Street Bridge.
Squint a little more, you’ll see it. More. Read more →
Someone called the cops in Gainesville, Florida the other day and complained that kids were making a racket while playing basketball in the street.
You can probably figure what happened next. Read more →
How long would we last if there were actually real disruption and chaos? Read more →
What’s so great about a big blue chicken? Read more →
If you ever wanted to see a great example of how a dedicated editorial writer can provide community leadership, look no further than the West Central Tribune, which has given an elderly bigot the ‘what for’ because of a Facebook post. Read more →
The cops should’ve thrown the book at him. Read more →
It’s nothing personal, East Coast. It’s just us trying to have a laugh now that you get all of the fun these days. Read more →
Today’s photograph from NASA, taken from the International Space Station, is a joy to behold, particularly if you believe, as I do, that the wonder of flight is that it gives you an entirely fresh perspective on your place in relation to the world around you. We learned that when Apollo 8 made its first swing around the moon and gave us a chance to look at ourselves, and this photograph does the same thing.
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In Texas, it’s probably best if you have nothing to do with anyone having an asthma attack in school. Read more →
We’re only two years away from hosting a Super Bowl in Minnesota so it’s worth paying attention this year to how things are going in Santa Clara, Calif., which hosts this year’s edition. Read more →
If it’s history told in song it’s some fine Minnesota history. Read more →
The tweet from the Ontario Provincial Police struck a nerve with people who’ve apparently seen plenty of people driving like this. Read more →
In the wake of the disastrous selection of a Minneapolis school superintendent candidate whose background was researched largely by a consultant, Lynnell Mickelsen says it’s unfair to vilify the school board as particularly incompetent ‘because the Minneapolis school board has been a mostly dysfunctional form of governance for decades.’
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Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan used some of his State of the State address this week to apologize for the disaster that has befallen the people of Flint, Michigan thanks in large measure to the incompetence of their elected officials. Residents get a helping of lead when they turn on the tap and run their water. In some cases, the lead content is so higher, the water is classified as ‘toxic waste.’ Read more →