You can’t blame churches for feeling a little left out of the “Star Wars” frenzy. The Advent season used to be about waiting for the birth of Jesus, but this year Jesus is in danger of being upstaged by “The Force Awakens,” which arrives a week earlier.
And yet it’s hard to imagine going to the lengths of Berlin’s Zion Church, which on Dec. 20 plans to conduct a Star Wars-themed worship service. You’d think a church that once had the anti-Hitler theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer in its pulpit wouldn’t have to resort to stories about fictional heroes to get people into the pews, but there you are.
The German news site The Local quotes a pastor there as linking Christmas to “Star Wars” as follows:
“In the decisive scene of Episode VI, Luke Skywalker is being persuaded to join the Emperor’s side — the evil side,” [Lucas] Ludewig explained. “Luke resists, with the words: ‘I will never turn to the Dark Side.’ This corresponds with the Bible verse: ‘Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.'”
Yes, it’s a bit of a reach. In other words: If beat them you cannot, join them you must.