Without question, the highlight of the many years I watched my kids play baseball occurred very early in their youth athletic careers, when a ball hit to shortstop went for an easy single because the shortstop was busy making a sand castle.
Life should always be that sweet. Like the time this year that a friend was coaching first base at a tee-ball game and tried to get his son to keep running to second on a double. But the young man stopped to tell his dad that he loved him. Single.
Excuse me, something’s in my eye while I was just thinking about that.
So, thanks to the many people who sent this video to me in the last 24 hours, which serves as a reminder that adults have not ruined all youth sports. Not yet, anyway.
You actually have to watch this several times to catch all the sweetness.
We’d love to be able to tell you this was a regular youth sporting event, but it wasn’t. The kids were just scrimmaging as part of the halftime show of a high school football game in Milford, Mass. They didn’t take things too seriously because there was no reason to take things seriously. It wasn’t a game.
They have their own Facebook page and the videos show they’re a pretty talented, well-coached team that takes the game pretty seriously. They’re pretty good at this football stuff.
Yep, that’s some helmet-to-helmet contact about to occur between a couple of kids whose brains are young enough to be easily scrambled.

So, maybe this isn’t the full story we’d like it to be. But it’s a start. It’s a reminder that if adults can let kids be kids, it can be pretty neat too.
Related: In ruining youth sports, the adults have won
Patriots’ Tom Brady laments that youth sports have gotten too big (Yahoo Sports)