Don Buller, of Hendricks, MN., left nothing to chance when it came to preparing for the next life.
As we told NewsCut readers in March 2014, Buller spent much of his time building his own coffin, doublechecking that it would be the right size, and being sure there’d be enough room for a six pack of Pepsi.

Our man in Hendricks, Steve Hemmingsen, reports today that Buller, 72, died on Friday after battling health problems in recent years.
Buller told Hemmingsen last year that he decided to build his own coffin after getting a look at the pricetag of one at a funeral he’d attened — about $13,000 — and figured he could build his own at a fraction of the cost.
Mr. Buller’s funeral will be held Tuesday, June 2, 2015 in the Grace United Methodist Church in Hendricks, MN.