The next time you wonder what’s the difference between men’s and women’s college sports, look no further than the University of Minnesota Duluth, which has announced it won’t renew the contracts of the women’s hockey coach, Shannon Miller, because of ‘financial considerations.’ Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for December 2014

We’re hard pressed to imagine anyone in Minnesota has the commute that Ian Bearce of Minneapolis has. Read more →

You probably made more money in the stock market than Mo Islam did. Read more →

The nation’s space program is less a science effort than a jobs program.
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We already knew that Marine on St. Croix might be Minnesota’s most wonderfully quirky Minnesota town, but Jana Shortal’s KARE 11 report last night on how it’s responded to a woman with cancer provides additional proof. Read more →
When the Minnesota Legislature convenes in Saint Paul next month, it’ll head for a showdown over whether businesses who don’t favor same-sex marriage should be required to do business with same-sex couples. How broad the legislation is isn’t entirely clear yet, since it hasn’t been filed. Read more →

Your daily dose of sweetness today comes from Ryan Giles, who coaches the Lac qui Parle Valley girls basketball team. Read more →

We wrote about a woman who dropped her wedding and engagement rings in a Salvation Army red kettle. Today’s update on the story comes from the “one good turn” file. Read more →
A local non-profit in Seattle wants to compost dead people. Read more →
A Brainerd rental housing inspector is a hero for doing his/her job, demanding that a landlord install the carbon monoxide detector required by Minnesota law in the apartment of a couple.
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Oh, swell. Another cloudy, foggy, soul-crushing bucket of gloom is being served up by the weather gods. So, here. Yes, it’s an Apple ad. The company has a tradition of sweet ads at Christmas. Here’s last year’s. Sainsbury’s, the UK chocolate company, has released this Christmas ad, reaching back 100 years for inspiration. John Lewis, Read more →

It was an awful game for fans of the Cleveland Browns yesterday afternoon. But a returning-soldier promotion picked things up a bit. Read more →
There was some good humor — at least we think it was humor — from Minneapolis City Hall this morning. Read more →
If the assassination of President Kennedy happened today, the Zapruder film would show people taking selfies. What is it with people? Terrorism and tourism are going hand in hand. Buzzfeed today notes that in Sydney, the scene outside the cafe where a gunman is holding an undetermined number of people, is almost as ugly as Read more →

We welcome the South Dakota intentional masturbation double entendre to a permanent place in the Museum of Marketing Campaigns That Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time. Read more →