The Minnesota Court of Appeals today awarded a victory to a Bloomington woman, whose home was foreclosed on by CitiMortgage after her now ex-husband took out a mortgage without her knowledge. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for December 2014
Back in the day, Cuba was pretty well exploited by American corporations, so a comment from an American CEO on CNBC this morning probably isn’t going to go over big on the island. Read more →

Your daily dose of sweetness today comes from the NewsCut ancestral homeland. Read more →

If there was must-viewing in Minnesota over the weekend, Cathy Wurzer’s interview with Bruce Kramer on TPT’s Almanac was it. Read more →
Over the weekend, my wife helped NAMI MN deliver Christmas presents to a few mental health units at area hospitals and dropped this bombshell on me afterwards: At one hospital alone, there were 52 children inpatients. But there is a waiting list of 13 kids who are in mental health crisis. There aren’t enough beds to allow them to receive the help they need. Read more →

The Serial podcast’s first season is over, but its status of cultural icon is complete now that it’s become a skit on Saturday Night Live. Read more →
It’s been quite awhile since we heard from Royce White, the former Mr. Basketball in Minnesota who was the first person drafted into the NBA after publicly acknowledging he suffers from mental illness before wearing out his welcome in Houston.
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Thanks to Slate, there’s now an annotated video of all the stars who sang at the end of Stephen Colbert’s final show on Thursday night.
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Behold, the business possibilities of booze in Minnesota! Read more →

Someday, old-timers will tell the children bouncing on their knee about the days when astronauts needing a tool had to wait until a space ship from Earth had to bring it to them.
That day is at hand, apparently. Read more →

That might have been the best news conference in the administration of President Barack Obama, who has been far too reclusive in his years in office when it comes to answering questions from the media. Read more →

How do you know it’s true love?
When your proposal isn’t on a scoreboard, doesn’t involve a marching band, and YouTube. Read more →

If you play your cards wrong around here, you can commute to work in the dark, spend the day in a windowless room, and then commute back home again in the dark.
The only way to lift the gloom is to calculate how much longer we’ll have to endure this. Read more →
Santa Claus gets all the ink at this time of year, but Harry Shoup should get his due. Read more →
It was six degrees Wednesday night when someone put a black lab and her litter in a cardboard box and left it next to a dumpster in East Grand Forks, Forum Communications reports. Read more →