A presidential bid would allow Sanders a better platform to do what many Democrats were scared to death to do in the recent campaign: Stand up and defend middle-class principles that have traditionally been Democratic principles. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for November 2014
A deer hunter in Northfield isn’t doing much for the image of the sport.
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The Minnesota journalism community has been surprisingly silent on #pointergate, KSTP’s botched police-union-planted story contending that Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges was flashing gang signs during a north Minneapolis get-out-the-vote effort last month. Read more →

Now that the election is over, it’s on to the lame-duck and legacy stage of the presidency of President Obama.
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Minnesotans tend to snicker a bit when paralysis grips states to our east in the winter. But we’ve got nothing on Buffalo where five feet of snow has fallen and more is expected today. Read more →

Minnesotans spend an inordinate amount of time looking for new ways to belittle our neighbors to the east.
Vox today provides all the jokes you’ll ever need with this map of the most-stolen cars by state. Read more →

Gallup has released a poll today that isn’t surprising at all. Non-whites are less likely to believe that police will protect them from violent crime than whites are. Read more →

As the Minnesota Vikings season headed for the rocks, it seemed a lot of the attitude toward Adrian Peterson shifted too.
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Some students at the University of Minnesota are taking a stand for slacklines. Read more →
If Tim Stahl, of Greenfield, Minn., hadn’t stepped forward to put his money where his heart is, dozens of others would have. Read more →

It is often hard for mere mortals to fathom the grace that can surround dying. Read more →
Two former football wives in the NFL are offering a dark picture of life inside the NFL when it comes to domestic abuse. Read more →

Not surprisingly, Steve Hartmann provided another dose of decency over the weekend with his On the Road profile of former NFL player Jason Brown, who walked away from the game (after he was released by the St. Louis Rams) to become a farmer and feed hungry people, even though he didn’t know anything about farming. Read more →
The St. Cloud Times profiles Debbie Larsen today as part of its series, ‘Scars of Service.’ After three family members took their own lives, she’s become a passionate advocate for suicide awareness and prevention.
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Former state rep John Kriesel isn’t a fan of using the Minnesota National Guard to fight the Ebola epidemic. Read more →