Just in time for the University of Wisconsin Badgers to hand over ‘Paul Bunyan’s Axe’ to the University of Minnesota, UW football coach Gary Andersen has stopped the ceremonial parading of the axe by the team that wins the game. Read more →
Just in time for the University of Wisconsin Badgers to hand over ‘Paul Bunyan’s Axe’ to the University of Minnesota, UW football coach Gary Andersen has stopped the ceremonial parading of the axe by the team that wins the game. Read more →
The controversy over a Big Stone County Republican official’s anti-Muslim comments escalated a bit today when it was reported that Jack Whitley has been fired from his day job. Read more →
The news today that the newborn gorilla at the Como Zoo has died brings two images to mind for us. Read more →
Budweiser reportedly is dumping the iconic Clydesdales in favor of zombies, something that millenials can relate to, apparently.
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Steve Hartman usually provides a generous helping of sweetness in his On the Road series, but Friday’s piece comes with a side of serious contemplation over the messages kids learn and where they learn them from.
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Thanksgiving provides an opportunity to consider immigration.
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North Dakota’s oil boom is being helped leaders looking away from the environmental disaster that is unfolding in the state, the New York Times reported this weekend. Read more →
This weekend’s Saturday Night Live skit brought with it a nagging question: Should civics classes teach how a bill becomes a law, or how it really does — or doesn’t — become a law?
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It’s never too late to achieve a dream. Read more →
Here are 12 questions based on things that were in the news this week. Take your best shot! Read more →
KSTP’s boss said the station never accused the man posing with Betsy Hodges of being in a gang or flashing gang signs. Emails, though, show that’s exactly what KSTP reporter Jay Kolls was doing. Read more →
Last evening, the CBC posted a voicemail from an irate listener who has had it with weatherpeople promising ‘nice’ weather at this time of year.
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Well before the sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby took root in public discussion after years of claims to which few paid attention, a group of Twin Cities comics had plenty of reason for putting together this weekend’s comedy benefit for the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Read more →
Add the Columbia Journalism Review to journalism sources having a hard time fathoming what KSTP was thinking in its ‘Pointergate’ story. Read more →
When the soon-to-be-former Minnesota Vikings running back was suspended by the NFL for the rest of the season, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said part of the reason was that Peterson didn’t appear to be contrite for beating his son. Now, he’s contrite. Read more →