People like Douglas McAuthur McCain scare the heck out of people. He was apparently a nice guy who was also a killer fighting on behalf of the despicable and subhuman ISIS, Read more →
People like Douglas McAuthur McCain scare the heck out of people. He was apparently a nice guy who was also a killer fighting on behalf of the despicable and subhuman ISIS, Read more →
If you’re heading to the Minnesota State Fair tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday, I hope you’ll stop by the MPR booth at the corner of Judson and Nelson (just follow the pork chop smog). I’ll be pushing the MPR merchandise from 1-9 p.m., while watching the acts my pals at The Current have planned for the Read more →
While the new Minnesota Timberwolves were enthralling fans at the Minnesota State Fair today, the Cleveland sports media welcomed Kevin Love, the first time Love has spoken since he forced a trade from the Timberwolves. “It means a lot,” he said. “LeBron had signed to come back with the Cleveland Cavaliers and just a few Read more →
Football is deeply American and reflects our values and likes. And that’s the problem. We love us a good war or two. Read more →
Confirming what most drivers already know, Allstate’s annual survey reveals that St. Paul isn’t a particularly safe city to drive in.
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It’s not going to take the National Transportation Safety Board long to figure out why a helicopter crashed in Osage, Minnesota, last month while it was spraying for mosquitoes. Read more →
Lillian Weber makes a dress each day as she sits by the sewing machine in her Iowa farmhouse. She sends them to people she doesn’t know in Africa. Read more →
Kevin Love is gone now and the Ricky Rubio watch is now officially underway with a report that the onetime franchise savior has turned down a deal that would keep him in Minnesota. Read more →
Banker White, a San Francisco producer, moved back to Boston to care for his mother after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. During the time of her decline, he did what filmmakers do. He filmed. “One of the most striking things that Alzheimer’s has revealed is the strength of my parents’ marriage, even as it alters Read more →
If you move to Moorhead and raise a family, imagine the amount of money you’ll inject into the local economy, creating jobs and stabilizing neighborhoods. Maybe you could be rewarded with a tax break. Moorhead isn’t unlike every other community in Minnesota when it comes to wanting businesses to move in but, like yesterday’s news Read more →
Kevin Love is shedding his past in a big way, first dumping Minnesota and now the number — 42 — he’s worn in high school, college at UCLA, and in the NBA with the Timberwolves. The new number? Behold: We won’t know for certain what this is all about until Love is introduced to the Read more →
It’s become a fairly common game in business to extract public dollars in exchange for creating additional jobs, but in Wisconsin, Ashley Furniture is getting $6 million from the state in exchange for laying people off. According to the Milwaukee State Journal, the $6 million tax credit was awarded in January to the company in Read more →
Justin and Tia met in elementary school in Kentucky, but fate kept them apart. Her family moved to Green Bay. He joined the Air Force and moved to Italy. After nine years of speaking online, they finally have been reunited, thanks to The Buried Life, the show of four guys whose “bucket list” includes asking Read more →
Writer Maya Lang posted this tweet this morning, allegedly to show how blacks are portrayed differently than whites when it comes to profiles, at least in the New York Times. @rgay Here's a side-by-side on Mike Brown vs. Boston Bomber, both from NYT pic.twitter.com/wpcQmFE9Xj — Maya Lang (@WriterMayaLang) August 25, 2014 Here’s the Times’ paragraph that Read more →