The Minnesota Twins are working hard to get the snow off seats nobody will be sitting in for today’s doubleheader with the Toronto Blue Jays.
Life in the Big Leagues. Snow removal (again). Mother Nature be damned.
— Dave St. Peter (@TwinsPrez) April 17, 2014
Snow filled batters eye, lots of ice on field at Target Field.
— Jim Souhan (@SouhanStrib) April 17, 2014
And we're off!
— Twins Grounds Crew (@TCGroundsCrew) April 17, 2014
One of these days, baseball’s schedule will make sense. Why schedule this series in April in Minnesota, when the Blue Jays play in a domed stadium? Just swap the series with the one the Twins are to play in Toronto in June. June is a delightful time in Minnesota; the snow might even be gone by then.
Give credit to the Twins, however. They postponed yesterday’s game in plenty of time. Unlike a few postponements in previous years, they didn’t wait until fans were in the park spending money on hot chocolate and coffee.
That wasn’t the case in Detroit, where 23,000 people — and, as usual, that’s a lie — were announced as attending last evening’s game in the rain and cold.
Baseball should never be played when players impersonate members of “Pussy Riot.”

“If you think you’re going to see the best of everybody, you’re crazy,” Cleveland Indians manager Terry Francona said today, acknowledging the weather makes for bad baseball at good-weather prices.
Related: It's Snow Use: Baseball's Scheduling Issues (Bleed Cubbie Blue).
On Baseball In April (Only A Game).