What’s in a name? Novel influenza, influenza A (H1N1), 2009 H1N1 flu, North-American influenza or just plain swine flu.
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for April 2009
There’s nothing like a bit of historical perspective to throw cold water on your indignation over the behavior of modern Americans. In yesterday’s thread on the weekend riot near the U of M, reader Elizabeth T. introduced us to a paper by Jeffrey M. Van Slyke entitled – wait for it – An Analysis of Read more →

So, let’s say you’re walking around Manhattan, and a low-flying 747 zooms overhead followed by a couple of fighter jets. Would you panic? Some people did when that very scenario actually played out over New York City today, according to WABC-TV. According to the report, the Defense Department was conducting “a aerial photo mission” over Read more →
As you’ve no doubt heard already, there was a bit of a fracas over at the U of M this weekend, coinciding with the annual Spring Jam Block Party concert. The Minnesota Daily is on top of the story, but beyond the details of the news, the comment thread is pretty fascinating. Some readers are Read more →