Keeping track of the locals on the national stage today. Gov. Tim Pawlenty went on CNBC today.
“(The Republican Party ) needs to be about adding some more people to the coalition because we can’t win like we did in ’06 and ’08; in other words, we lost in those election cycles.”
Asked about a specific pro-growth policy for the U.S., Pawlenty said Minnesota is proposing “cutting its business tax rates in half.” Also highlighted “clean and green” tax breaks.
Asked about his two brothers who are union members (or were) and whether the Republican Party could ever be “pro-union,” Pawlenty responded “it could be pro-jobs.” Is that a “no”?
The CNBC anchor — the same one who suggested waterboarding Bernie Madoff — prefaced the interview by saying they were talking to Pawlenty “about whether bipartisanship is even a word anymore.” She didn’t ask any questions about bipartisanship.
Elsewhere, Politico guesses that Norm Coleman will be the next chairman of the Republican Party.