Every day we get a list of upcoming events, courtesy of the Associated Press. The top item from Wisconsin jumped out today:
Wednesday, August 13:
8:30 a.m. SHEBOYGAN – Jury trial for 28-year-old Angelique R.
Vandeberg who is charged with shooting her 8-year-old daughter in
the thigh with a BB gun to win a $1 bet and violating her bond by
drinking alcohol. Sheboygan County Circuit Court. Judge Timothy M.
Van Akkeren.
I’m not sure how I missed this at the time, but it happened in May. The AP archive tells the intimate details:
The girl said the shooting occurred in her mother’s bedroom after her mother had 10 to 12 beers.
The boyfriend bet the mother $1 she wouldn’t shoot the girl. The mother responded by taking the gun and shooting the girl, who was wearing three pairs of pants. The BB deflected off her leg and struck her 7-year-old brother, who wasn’t injured.