According to photographer Paul Nicklen, this is a picture of climate change. A dying polar bear.
The U.S. Geological Survey says sea ice is declining because of a warming planet. It has forced polar bears, which feed on seals, onto land where they are dying of starvation, Nicklen says.
Polar bears and climate science are at the heart of a new ruckus between some climate scientists and blogger Susan Crockford, who writes the blog Polar Bear Science.
This is no different from Ian Stirling’s “bear that died of climate change” back in 2013, or several others since then: here, here, and here (one of these incidents also involved the same photographer as this incident, Paul Nicklen). I’ve called this practice of filming dead or dying bears and splashing the photos across the pages of newspapers and the internet “tragedy porn” — a kind of voyerism that leaves people open to emotional manipulation. The internet laps it up.
Meanwhile a paper published in the journal Bio Science, called Internet Blogs, Polar Bears, and the Climate Change Denial by Proxy said Crockford “has neither conducted any original research nor published any articles in the peer-reviewed literature on polar bears.”
“Crockford’s blog frequently extracts partial research outcomes and portrays them as contrary to the documented effects of [human-caused global warming] on sea ice or polar bears,” it said.
The report studied climate change blogs and found 80 percent of the posts dismissing climate change as a factor in the diminishing number of polar bears quoted Crockford’s blog.
Related: How to Talk to a Science Denier without Arguing (Scientific American)