It’s been about 70 years since World War II, but when Germany beat Brazil in the World Cup this week, it unleashed a torrent of Nazi references on social media. Why? Read more →
It’s been about 70 years since World War II, but when Germany beat Brazil in the World Cup this week, it unleashed a torrent of Nazi references on social media. Why? Read more →
Soccer is called “the beautiful game,” because “the game that rips your heart out, stomps on your gut, and leaves your country humiliated in the eyes of the sports world” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Read more →
After the Netherlands eliminated Mexico, 2-to-1, in today’s World Cup soccer match, KLM Dutch Airlines, which apparently doesn’t need any business from Mexico, issued this tweet. ‘ The tweet was “racially insensitive,” according to Mashable and it has since been taken down. But not before stirring up Twitter. @KLM I use to fly your airline Read more →